The Business Value of Managed Cloud Services Explained

Rafi Adinandra
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August 5, 2021

For those keeping track, managed IT services and managed cloud services have become part of an integrated whole for any business operating in the cloud. The fact is that business outcomes, cloud, and IT are inseparable in the age of digital transformation.

That reality sets the stage for Techolution’s latest eBook, How to Maximize the Business Value of Managed Cloud Services. But let’s be clear: a shift in definition of terms is more about how businesses are prioritizing business outcomes that they need to realize from the cloud.

And that’s the focus of this latest eBook that shows how defining real-world business needs and outcomes from the cloud will shape your need for managed cloud services. Too many businesses think of moving applications to the cloud in vague terms of cost savings, innovation, scalability, speed to market, flexibility of operations and business resilience. The fact is that you need to define what those terms mean for your business to create a holistic cloud strategy that results in specific business outcomes for your

  • Market share
  • End users
  • Customers
  • Top and bottom line

If you want to control operational costs and grow the business, managed cloud services can partner with you in defining what that means.

It’s All About Reaching Specific Business Outcomes

Developing the right cloud architecture depends on your IT infrastructure. To get to the right business outcomes, an assessment of your internal IT assets and those you may already have in the cloud will drive attaining those outcomes. This enables cloud managed services to help you define:

  • Do I need a CI/CD pipeline to push new applications and updates to end users and customers?
  • What applications really benefit financially and operationally from a move to the cloud?
  • How does technical debt from legacy IT infrastructure like mainframes affect my ability to have a truly asynchronous architecture so modern cloud architectures work with current legacy systems?

The right managed cloud services provider can help you see how these and other architectures and concepts work together. They help you define what the return on investment (ROI) will be in specific terms and also help you define something known as return on application (ROA).

The eBook shows how businesses from startups to global enterprises can better define ROI based on business outcomes that deliver real value to the business. Equally important is the ROA, which helps you define how the cloud along with IT and OT integration expands this holistic approach to deliver solutions that apply in many ways across the enterprise.

Real Business Outcomes Through Managed Cloud Services

The eBook becomes a guide to understanding the different aspects of managed cloud services. It then shows how they work holistically to deliver specific business outcomes that you define on the front end rather than after costly implementations.

An example would be things like application development pipelines for finance that deliver faster transactions and broader services like wealth management and investing for consumers on mobile devices. For healthcare, it can mean creating a network enabled dashboard integrated with a cloud and AI analytics platform to prioritize IC patient needs based on historical data symptoms and disease/condition states for proactive treatment.

The eBook shows how the pre-defined business bottom-line needs and use should always be the driver of the mix and application of managed cloud services. We include many real-world examples across sectors like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and retail among others.

Each example shows how specific business outcomes should drive your cloud strategy. They also show how managed cloud services can help you develop, refine, implement, and educate you on the use of that meld of legacy and new architectures.

Defining the Why and Who Behind Managed Cloud Services

Data is the currency of the digital age, so governance and security must be a part of the fabric of anything you do in the cloud and with your IT infrastructure. There is a deep connection between everything from business continuity and disaster recovery to data encryption, access management and regulatory compliance. The eBook shows how managed cloud services address them to achieve business outcomes-driven cloud, IT, and OT.

Every business from startups to global enterprises with massive IT organizations will need a managed cloud services partner to achieve specific business outcomes in the cloud for a variety of reasons. Chief among them is:

  • The need for IT teams to focus on internal projects, system maintenance, help desk and other primary duties that keep them more than busy.
  • A short or nonexistent supply of IT specialists well versed in every aspect of cloud computing application development and related business outcome areas like AI/ML, data analytics and more.

The right managed cloud services partner will become an extension of your IT organization to fill the gaps in everything that includes:

  • Consulting
  • Assessment
  • Cloud, App/Dev, AI/ML, and analytics expertise
  • Implementation
  • Management
  • Monitoring
  • Education support for your IT teams to run and improve new architectures and systems

Achieving targeted business outcomes with managed cloud services will involve connecting the dots from where you are to what you want to do to how you should do it. That will require a holistic understanding of managed cloud services including:

  • Cloud Migration Services
  • Network Services
  • Security Planning/ Cloud Monitoring
  • Deep business outcomes-based understanding of Cloud Native Apps, Containerization and Microservices
  • AppDev, DevOps and GitOps
  • AI and Data Analytics Environment Development
  • Everything as a Service
  • IoT
  • Edge computing
  • Hybrid/multi-cloud strategies
  • Automation
  • M&A
  • Technical debt
  • Cloud Integration for M&A Business Process Consolidation
  • Cloud Automation

The right partner helps you form a solid picture of where your business is at and where you want to go by helping you articulate the things you want to do as a business.

The Right Managed Cloud Services Partner for Your Transformation Journey

This eBook sets the bar very high for Techolution and other managed cloud service providers. We root our approach in well defined, real-world business outcomes based on specific needs where we partner with you by bringing expertise in:

  • Defining application analysis for true cloud business value
  • The leapfrog approach to cloud migration for real-world business benefits
  • Defining business benefits and overcoming the complexity of hybrid and multi cloud
  • Supporting your end users and IT team by providing the personnel, support, and educational expertise to use and build on your new infrastructure environment to keep moving forward with your cloud strategy for business outcomes

Techolution Managed Cloud Services becomes an extension of your IT Team and your business. Our sole focus is delivering real-world business outcomes that make you competitive, innovative, agile, and flexible enough to cost effectively meet business and market needs.

That will always translate to bottom- and top-line growth, effective cost containment, and the ability to lead the way with new products, services and answers for your end users, customers, and clients. Now that’s digital transformation!

You can download the ebook, How to Maximize the Business Value of Managed Cloud Services at this link.

Contact us to discuss where you want the cloud and digital transformation to take you in 2021 and beyond.