How Techolution Sees Their Role in Business and IT

Emiliana Samangun
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February 27, 2023

Techolution was a recent recipient of an Inc. Magazine Best in Business Award 2022 for Sustainability in IT System Development. This recognition gives everyone at Techolution great pride since the award recognizes companies that “Put Purpose Before Profits,” as Inc. Magazine says. But we all live in an age where profitability and sustainability are both vital goals for every organization and enterprise that we serve.

That’s why the award is an introduction to understanding what “Best in Business” means to Techolution and to its partners around the globe. In today’s landscape, organizations can only achieve true innovation and business outcomes when value, profit, disruptive competitiveness, and sustainability work together holistically.

We can see the reality that sustainability and profitability are inextricably tied in the current business landscape through the statistic showing that over a third of global consumers will pay more for sustainable products. That’s according to the Global Sustainability Study 2021 from global strategy and pricing consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners.

Today’s businesses are rightly concerned about their ability to continue thriving in this new era where technology is changing the industry and disrupting the entire world faster than ever. Many of the companies that use the moniker “digital transformation” are operating in an ecosystem where they choose to consult across many areas of IT. That overly broad approach often comes at a premium price to enterprises without the guarantee of specific business outcomes.

Most of these IT consulting firms have CEOs, executives, leaders, and board members of established enterprises as customers. These leaders are requiring the best of these firms to focus on developing innovation that perpetuates the legacy of success they’ve forged over decades.

The people within Techolution have built an IT consulting firm whose mission is to help these organizations navigate through that technology noise and deliver meaningful innovation at a fixed price. This fixed-price approach is the foundation of how we define being the best in business. For us, it means delivering predictable outcomes in a cost-effective way so organizations can continue to win in this new environment.

Forging a Unique Path to Best in Business Beyond Awards

Everyone on the Techolution team understands what it takes in IT consulting to be the best in business every day. It requires building a business structure that is focused on doing a few very important things very well rather than trying to do everything. An industrywide example that recognizes the efficacy of that approach came with Techolution being named Cloud Transformation Company of the Year by CIO Review Magazine.

Techolution also received a prestigious Inc. 5000 Award as one of the fastest-growing companies in the world. This was followed up in 2022 with the Inc. Magazine 500 Best in Business Award for being the very best in our industry.

It’s always a major accomplishment to gain recognition among peers and arbiters of excellence. But it always comes back to the strength of our approach forged by Techolution’s people and the firm’s dedication to customer innovation and outcomes. Those awards reflect a dedication to consistently delivering product and service innovation for our customers.

It also exemplifies how we avoid the common approach by many IT consulting firms to do everything and instead forged our own path to do a few things very well. In our case, that means leveraging our expertise in product development, enterprise cloud, and some of the unique capabilities we have in real-world AI.

While every member of the Techolution team takes pride in the hard-won awards and accolades, it’s another source of praise and gratitude that brings the greatest sense of accomplishment. This is when the enterprise leaders and CEOs that we serve express their gratitude for helping them deliver:

  • Meaningful innovation to their customers
  • Increased profits for their shareholders
  • Continuation of a competitive lead
  • Doing it all with a focus on sustainability

This focus is always focusing on doing just several important things well. Our expert people can then deliver innovation through defined business outcomes within a fixed-price framework. These are the things that make Techolution unique. But it's only possible when the focus is on understanding the market and the needs of every client so that we can deliver for them again and again.

Tackling The Biggest Challenges with Innovation and Diverse People for Best-in-Business Outcomes

Words like “workforce” or “personnel” can never obscure the reality that it’s all about people when it comes to striving to be the best in business. Techolution comprises a diversity of cultures, backgrounds, expertise, and ideas from people around the globe. The ability to attract those people and keep them requires standing by a common purpose they can all believe in. That purpose is to leverage our love for technology to support people and the planet to bring truly meaningful innovation, value, and profits to our customers, their shareholders, and their industry.

Achieving those goals for our customers means solving their toughest challenges and those of their respective industries. These are long-term challenges that require long-term goals where the vehicle carrying the solution gets its power from an agility engine that drives innovation. This is the only way to meet the standards of success that organizations demand as they operate at the nexus point of value, profit, and competitive disruption.

In Part Two of this blog series, we’ll show how Techolution turns the idea of the best in business into real-world business outcomes.