Defining Your Business Needs for Healthcare AppDev and Cloud Transformation

Rafi Adinandra
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May 25, 2021

Today’s healthcare solution/software providers and healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs) must have AppDev pipelines and cloud environments that can keep pace with growing patient, client, and operational needs. That means cloud and AppDev environments for agile applications, workloads data and service delivery that spurs improved value creation and healthcare outcomes.

The problem is that these are all abstract concepts that mean nothing until we translate the “how” of AppDev and cloud environment building into defined operational business needs fulfillment. This is the important reality driving the needs behind the technology for your healthcare solutions company and the HDO/consumer clients you serve.

Techolution is constantly expanding and perfecting the many roads of “how” to achieve AppDev and cloud transformation integration. But we’ve always guided our journey by “what” it can mean to your healthcare solution/software company in real business terms.

IT leaders and innovation specialists work together to plot the meaningful business course for IT and OT infrastructure. But your success hinges on thinking in terms of how digital transformation helps your business deliver scalable applications, services and data access environments that meet your business and customer needs.

AppDev and Cloud Integration for Different Outcomes

Those needs may be different for each healthcare solution provider. That’s why it’s important to work with a digital transformation partner that starts with “what” your business needs. This will guide the development of how to deliver the technology and infrastructure in the best customized way to meet those needs.

One example of many in how Techolution starts with the “what” and moves to the “how” is with our work with a major east coast hospital looking to meet the needs of ICU bed and patient monitoring to:

  • Reduce patient mortality and improve patient outcomes and care
  • Improve strained provider to patient monitoring ratios to maximize fixed on-duty provider staff with fluctuating patient load ICU bed monitoring
  • Lower costs while increasing level of care and outcomes across ICU patient populations

Here it comes down to development of a proprietary Intelligent ICU Patient Management System built on Techolution’s Smart Asset Management Platform (IoT + AI). This proactively triggers AI-powered alerts to nurses monitoring at-risk ICU patients by connecting medical device-derived patient vitals in real-time from the hospital beds to agile fixed or mobile monitoring interfaces. The “how” of delivering that solution revolved around the platform development integrated with:

  • Web app development
  • Customized UI/UX to deliver the constantly updated ICU bed and patient system data to providers on duty
  • Integrated platform development to deliver data integration, analysis, and alert triggers

The ‘what’ for a Midwest-based multinational medical technologies corporation known for innovative medical device manufacturing and med surgical equipment came down to reimagining its many legacy manufacturing line platforms. Legacy production/data platforms for dozens of products and services were a challenge for them. The healthcare solutions provider needed increased synergy and reduced costs to maximize efficiency across the global enterprise.

Techolution collaborated with them on further defining “what” they needed and then set about developing the AppDev and cloud environment to create a modern platform environment without replacing the legacy platforms. This digital transformation helped them sustain a 98 percent service level of agreement (SLA) and 100 percent operational level of agreement (OLA) while eliminating redundant middleware investment.

The “what” became how to increase synergy and efficiency across the different platforms. The how came down to modernizing them in place through a customized AppDev and cloud environment to make things happen faster for production, fulfillment, and service for countless customers across the globe.

Data at the Heart of Application and Service Fulfillment

Data is always at the heart of applications, services, and infrastructure. This means that even though the outward specifics of the “what” may change for each Techolution partner, it always comes down to transforming these common elements for better data control, access, and scalability. That was an undisputed truth for a major east coast patient engagement solution provider’s patient engagement platform. We partnered with them on solving the “how” of overcoming the challenge of constant healthcare data growth, which required highly scalable infrastructure.

With hundreds of HDO customers treating millions of patients, the healthcare software provider’s cross-platform document-oriented database program couldn’t keep up with data accessibility and growth needs. With a clear vision of what the challenges were, we developed a solution that created a modern mobile AppDev and secure cloud access environment. This gave them the scalability and streamlined application deployment update capabilities they needed to serve their HDO clients.

AppDev and cloud environment development and integration provide nearly infinite ways to define “how” a solution can solve countless challenges in healthcare operational delivery. It’s vital to have a digital transformation partner that understands how to achieve all those possibilities. But it’s of little value unless they know exactly what your healthcare solutions provider enterprise or HDO want to do in operational business terms.

To learn more about Techolution’s innovative approach to solving your healthcare digital transformation challenges by understanding what you need to do first, download our Techolution Design and Dev Portfolio. Then contact us to talk about what and how to make your transformation a reality.