Can Magento 2 Migration Benefit Your Customers, Business and Bottom Line?

Rafi Adinandra
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8 min read
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November 30, 2020

If you’re one of the 250,000 businesses using Magento 1 for their eCommerce platform, you’re likely still sitting on the fence about whether it’s worth it to migrate to Magento Commerce 2. You make decisions about your eCommerce store’s improvements based on the facts, which includes calculating the time, cost, and real-world benefits of migration. The latest eBook from Techolution titled “Making Magento 2 Migration Pay Off in Big CX and Market Competitive Benefits,” brings those facts to help you make the right decision.

The eBook starts by laying out the well-known risks such as security from discontinued support among others. While the potential benefits of migrating to Magento 2 are also covered, readers will learn how to make sure they happen in ways that can improve the bottom line through improved customer experience (CX). But what does CX really mean and how do you manage it?

Although you’ll find some buzzwords and phrases like “customer centricity” and “digital transformation,” they get broken down into real-world business meanings. The eBook’s bottom line is showing you how application modernization done right in 30 days or less can meet changing customer demands.

It’s all about agile data and how you gather it, store it, present it, and use it. The eBook shows how a Magento 2 platform migration can provide that crucial agility to respond to customer needs in real time, which means:

  • Meeting customers with mobile friendly ecommerce
  • Integrating advanced website designs that make search through checkout a seamless and frictionless experience
  • Positioning you to deploy your own marketplace when you’re ready
  • Integrating AI in ways that make digital commerce faster, safer, more accurate and more profitable
  • Overcoming security gaps and site crashes
  • Lowering operational costs
  • Comprehensive disaster recovery
  • Faster application development and product changes
  • Improve reporting

Once you know the challenges, pain points, and benefits of migration to Magento 2, the eBook can show how having Techolution as a migration partner can avoid the challenges based on their deep experience in digital transformation, cloud migration and Google Anthos.

What you want are options for migration that set your ecommerce site up for immediate gains and long-term ability to make changes as your customers, technology, and the market changes. The eBook plots a clear course with actionable data to help you make the right decision and why you should choose Techolution as your migration partner.

There’s not enough space to break out the many details of these reasons in a blog post. But the eBook breaks it down in ways that show all the benefits to your business and your ecommerce platform that make processes and CX better to grow your bottom line and gain market competitiveness. Since facts are everything, the eBook provides crucial proof of success by the numbers.

You’ll also learn how migration opens opportunities to get out from under possible loss of data control to your current cloud provider. It’s all possible right now with support of Techolution’s certified Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Anthos, and Kubernetes expert team. By partnering with Techolution you have the expert support for cloud migration and platform development that minimizes risk and downtime while maximizing security, ROI, innovation, and CX.

Readers will see exactly how migrating to Magento 2 with Techolution as your partner can bring maximum benefits and zero risks. That means opening a whole world of business possibilities that can affect your control, security, innovation, growth, and bottom line today rather than just tomorrow. To read the latest Techolution eBook, click here and when you’re ready to harness the benefits of a quick and risk-free migration to Magento 2, contact Techolution at